14 May 2024

The only way is Up

Wednesday 8th May 2024, Pollardine Farm

Pollardine Farm is a large farm in the Gatten Valley which runs alongside the eastern slopes of the Stiperstones. 

The farm has a wide range of habitats including unimproved grassland and pasture, acid grassland, a pool, water courses and woodland. On a previous visit to the farm, on a very hot day in August 2022, we looked at some of the grassland areas and the pool. On this occasion we decided to go to the acid grassland situated on a small hill known as Paulith Bank.

A glorious day dawned for the visit. Unfortunately, on the “best” Wednesday of the year to date with regards the weather, I was not well and could not attend. This report will therefore consist of a brief summary of the day followed by plenty of photographs.

“You missed the first coat free day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“The westerly was cool when we arrived but in sheltered spots it was properly warm, by lunchtime it was very nice.

“We parked in the large parking area and then walked back down the road we had driven along and turned right onto the track to Paulith Wood. 

“We passed the right turn to Hunters Cottage and carried on shortly arriving at an area of the hill which had been quarried and access to the brook (which joins Habberley Brook). The winter rains have scoured the course and there was fallen wood in the brook and we saw Chalcosyrphus eunotus! [This is a hoverfly whose larvae develop in semi-submerged wood. Adults can be found on or close to such wood.]

“We stayed here for quite a while, I think the dipterists could have stayed most of the morning, but we moved on, following the track before turning right and starting to climb up Paulith Bank.

“We stopped a couple of times and vacced sunlit areas, lunch was declared at the second stop. And then on to the top, well actually not the top (c380m) but a flattish area, c280m. There were good views over to the Stiperstones and of areas of the farm we have been to before. 

“After more vaccing we slowly retraced our steps, again stopping by the quarried area and brook and then slowly back to the cars.

“We didn’t need our coats!”

A hoverfly, Chalcosyrphus eunotus.

Photograph: Jim Cresswell

A fold-winged cranefly, Ptychoptera sp.

Photograph: Jim Cresswell

A ground beetle, probably Paranchus albipes.

Photograph: John Martin

A leaf beetle, Galerucella lineola.

Photograph: John Martin

Starting the climb.

Photograph: Liz Roberts

A pair of craneflies, Tipula vernalis.

Photograph: Jim Cresswell

A large beetle larva which we believe is a Carrion beetle, Silphidae.

Photograph: Nigel Cane-Honeysett

Searching for lichens.

Photograph: Liz Roberts

A click beetle, Selatosomus aeneus.

Photograph: John Martin

A bee-fly, Bombylius major.

Photograph: Nigel Cane-Honeysett

A Broom leaf beetle, Gonioctena olivacea.

Photograph: Nigel Cane-Honeysett

Keep going!

Photograph: Liz Roberts

A tiny ground bug that can easily be mistaken as a beetle in a tray or a net , Plinthisus brevipennis.

Photograph: John Martin

A mirid bug Harpocera thoracica, usually found on oak in spring.

Photograph: John Martin

Nearly there?

Photograph: Liz Roberts

Another click beetle, Prosternon tessellatum.

Photograph: Nigel Cane-Honeysett

A very infrequently recorded fly, Alliopsis pilitarsis. This is only the second time it has been recorded in Shropshire. The previous record was made by Wallace Pugh in 1940.

Photograph: Nigel Jones

And finally, was it worth it?

Photograph: Liz Roberts

I think so!

Other news

A small collection of photographs of creatures chanced upon whilst out and about.

The first is a tiny, bristly, millipede spotted on stonework during a visit to the Wyre Forest, Polyxenus lagurus.

Photograph: Bob Kemp

Whilst surveying at Blists Hill this Crucifer shieldbug was photographed.

Photograph: Neil Nash

After a day in the sand dunes at Ainsdale, we came across this larva wandering down the pavement. Worried that it may get trodden on it was moved to the vegetation. I am told it is a Dark tussock.

Looking out of a window my wife spotted this Grey Heron on a neighbour’s roof.

Dicranocephalus medius is associated with Wood spurge which is usually found in woodland. But this one was found on grass at the side of a busy road in Button Oak.

Photograph: Maria Justamond

And finally these two bugs were spotted in the garden, Dolycoris baccarum (Hairy shieldbug) and Stictopleurus puntatonervosus.

Photograph: David Williams

My thanks to the owners of Pollardine Farm for allowing us to do what we enjoy doing. My gratitude to Jim for providing a summary of the day and to the photographers for providing the substance of this report.

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