My long-standing friend (I do wish she’d sit down) Vera Wayfrommer - a big fan of this blog - asked me the other day why I never publish a photo of her. Thing is (get a little closer so she doesn’t hear - I’ll whisper) you’ve heard of the beauty of Helen of Troy launching a thousand ships? Well Vera’s claim to fame is that she sank a thousand frigates! My mission is to save you all from her - hence no photo!
Apley Castle on Friday Jan 29th was another great success I’m sure we all agree. Whenever the Wrekin Forest Volunteers lend a hand or 12 we always get looked after really well. Despite, rain, snow, hail, sleet and intense cold we were once more treated to a veritable feast - a hot-food picnic in the woods with Sausage Casserole followed by Plum Crumble and custard with mugs of hot steaming tea and coffee to accompany it all! Thanks go to Sean and his cheerful and obliging Friends of Apley Castle.
These aren’t ‘film-grain pics by the way - the camera lens is looking through sleet and hail.
Photo: Nigel Cane-Honeysett
We were here to work, of course! So ‘the Friends’ and the WuFuv’s all mucked in together. Olly, who now spends a lot of his working week here in Apley Castle Woods, was our guide for the day and with his suggestions we trimmed back and cut down much of the box hedge that had grown out of control. A spot of tree planting (oaks and whips) was also on the agenda. This is Liz obviously 'working' with Olly and Jim advising in true hole-digging fashion!
Hang on! What’s happening over there?
Kevin? No!
Photo: Nigel Cane-Honeysett
My camera unfortunately died sometime during the day - probably a result a soaking at Devils Dingle but thanks to Les and Nigel between us we managed to get a few pics. There was a proviso for using Les’s pics though - I had to publish one he took of me so…
Photo: Les Hughes
What do you think - ideal subject for a Caption Competition?
I must also include this one from Les as it so epitomises the beauty of Apley Castle
Photo: Les Hughes
The regular WuFuV’s met many new volunteers from the Apley Castle area on the day including someone who appears to be hiding in the undergrowth…
Say hello to Nikki who arrived to lend an extra pair of helping hands.
Photo: Les Hughes
Don’t know why but I can’t help feeling there’s a red pointy hat and fishing rod missing here!
Anyway, all in all an excellent day in Apley Woods and looking forward to our planned Moth Night here on July 9th.
Oh… nearly forgot - we have a winner for the last ‘Where Is It’ Competition - find out who was clever enough to work it all out at the next meet.
Catch you all shortly…
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