Badger Watch, Wednesday 26th August 2009
The three of us who had taken up Pete’s invitation met outside the Trust HQ and awaited his arrival. Unfortunately the Trust and Public Toilets were locked, so no chance of a dignified pre-watch pit stop.
Pete arrived with the now familiar minibus – a bit over the top when there were only four in the party. Never mind, we tried to get in but found the floor covered in oil. “Chain oil” declared Pete, so he raided the Trust Rucksack, which seems to travel everywhere with us occupying a valuable seat, and found some wet wipes which we distributed over the floor to cover the oil.
All aboard for a mystery tour of North Shropshire – I cannot reveal where we ended up as it is “a secret location”.
As we made our way to the hide after making delayed pit stops Pete explained that crinkly clothes, noisy cameras etc. were not welcome. So no Kit-Kat for me tonight. He also told us there was a spot on the way after which we could no longer talk to each other.
We made our way across a large meadow and through a field and reached the “no talking” point. So silence reigned. When we reached the hide Pete prepared the ground by spreading peanuts whilst we opened up the hide.

Then we could just make out a snout through one of the gaps at the base of the brambles. Then … was that a second badger? Then they disappeared.
But, as darkness was beginning to take hold they came back. And, in all, three badgers were visible in the gloom. Here is a picture of two of taken by Graham:

A bit of nifty reversing out of the parking spot and we were on our way home.
Thank you Pete for organising this trip, giving us the opportunity to see these splendid creatures alive and well rather than corpses at the side of the road.
Keith Fowler
Thanks for that Keith and don't forget if anyone else wants to write up a blog post just create it in MS Word, add a few pics and email it to me. I'll do the rest.
Interest is being sparked in the 'Where Is It Competition', with emails flying in , text messages, phone calls and people stopping me in the street all with their suggestions as to where the current picture has been taken. OK... I'll come clean; Les googled CH00BA, found a dating website in Croatia and to be honest that's the closest anyone has got!
So I'm upping the ante and offering the winner either;-
a) An all-expenses-paid 3-week holiday to the exotic island of Hawaii (HONEST!)
b) One of my now famous and much sought-after gifts from my Little Box of Giveaways.
The thing is - I get to choose which of the 2 is the prize! It could be a), it could be b). It's got to worth a little research and maybe a few guesses surely?
OK... another clue;
The location is very close to one of SWT's Nature Reserves.
Don't forget you already have the clue 19-10 CH00BA
And here's the pic once more

Enter your suggestion in comments below or if you'd rather - just email me at paulewatts@googlemail.com
Happy hunting!
Is it the churchyard at Westhope?