The 30th January '09 saw The Wrekin Forest Volunteers helping to lay a hedge at the south part of Telford Town Park alongside a walk-way. This was my first bash at hedge-laying so yet another skill to learn and one that I thoroughly enjoyed doing.
Matt was our enthusiastic work-experience volunteer who was very keen to learn as much as he could in the 4 weeks that he was with us, so good luck to you Matt for the future and pop back in some time and let us know how you're getting on.
And so to the task in hand...

We spent quite some time searching for Olly's bill-hook - a family heirloom that was around 200 years old - that had just simply disappeared. It was eventually found under Olly's foot so had we just lifted him up we would have found it much earlier!

Now... I'm going to have a stab at identifying this: I know it looks like something you might drop onto your cornflakes but it's actually (or probably!) Auricularia auricula-judae (Jew's Ear) but I could well be wrong! How did I do Les?

Staking the hedge. I have to mention Penny here (well I don't have to but I will);- because she really led the hedge-laying group and led it very ably too! She is also a mean fire-starter - and I don't mean by that she's in any way a secret arsonist or that she occasionally sings with The Prodigy who had a song some years ago by the same title! - No - I mean she's great at starting the fire whenever we have one, not that we did on this day but you know what I mean - am I starting to ramble? OK...
Anyone for a slice of cheesecake with bilberry leaf topping?

I won't even attempt to ID this one but I'm sure someone will
As the day drew to a close a few of use headed off to explore the wilderness and found:-

The Shropshire Union Canal used to pass right through the Park. In its hay-day many industries flourished alongside the canal; there were iron furnaces, foundries and forges at Hinkshay and Stirchley. Most of these industries belonged to the Old Park Company which was set up by Isaac Hawkins Browne - who used to live at Stirchley Grange - a fine old building currently up for sale and now urgently in need of some TLC and a bit of cash.
After the hedge-laying we planted around 100 mixed hedge plants and finished the day tired but satisfied that we'd put in a good day's work.